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Why do I get an error when moving subtasks?

You may see an error when dragging and dropping tasks/subtasks that the tasks cannot be moved. Here are the following cases where an error can occur:

  • If you move a task into another task that is in the Trash
  • If you move a task in the Trash into another task
  • If you move a task into a subtask that is 3 levels deep (a subtask of a subtask of a task)–the maximum is 3 levels of tasks/subtasks
  • If you move a task that has subtasks into another task or subtask such that it would end up with more than 3 levels of tasks/subtasks
  • If you move a repeating task into another repeating task–only a task or its subtasks can repeat, not both
  • If you move a repeating task into a subtask that has a repeating parent task–this would end up with a repeating subtask inside a repeating task, which isn't supported
  • If you move a task into one of its own subtasks–no infinite loops here!
  • If you move a task into another of its "series"–for example, a repeating task into another instance of that task (even if it no longer repeats)

Note: Subtasks are available exclusively for users. Learn more about Pro features

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