Centro assistenza

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I get stuck on 'Initializing...'


After logging in, you are shown a page that says 'Initializing...' in the top right corner, and loading does not complete.


An unsupported browser, a conflict with software on your computer, or browser cache that needs to be cleared.


Please try the following steps to resolve the issue:

Check that your browser is supported.

Please check our list of supported browsers. Not all web browsers are supported; you may need to upgrade to your browser's latest version.

Clear cache and cookies.

Please clear your cache and cookies and restart the browser before trying again, in case your browser's cache needs clearing.

Access with HTTPS.

If the problem continues, try logging in securely by changing the URL to:


This can often help to work around loading issues.

Check third-party software.

If the problem continues, it may be related to third-party software. Various firewall, pop-up blocking and ad blocking software, and browser plug-ins can interfere with your use of Remember The Milk.

If you use such software, we suggest adding 'rememberthemilk.com' as an exception to any ad blocking, script blocking, or pop-up blocking rules. If this doesn't help, we recommend disabling the software, clearing your cache, and logging in to Remember The Milk again.

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