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What is the 'Given to others' list?

The 'Given to others' list displays tasks that you've given to other Remember The Milk users.

You can send tasks within the app by:

There are three ways to give tasks to your contacts. The quickest way would be through long-pressing a task:

  1. In your task list, long-press the task you wish to give to a contact.
  2. Tap Give to.
  3. Tap on the contact to receive the task, or add a new contact.

The second method is through multi-edit to give multiple tasks at once:

  1. On your task list, tap Edit to enter the editing mode.
  2. Tap to select the task(s) you wish to give.
  3. Tap the More icon in the upper right.
  4. Tap Give to.
  5. Tap on the contact to receive the task, or add a new contact.

The third method is through the task edit screen:

  1. In your task list, tap the task you wish to give to a contact.
  2. Tap the Edit icon to the right of the task name.
  3. Tap Add field then tap Give to.
  4. Tap on the contact to receive the task, or add a new contact.
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