Centro de ayuda

We're here to help!

Explore the help topics, and if you can't find your answer or just want to say 'hi', please come by the forums (which are filled with friendly folk, we promise!) or email us.

How can I suggest a feature?

We love getting feedback here at Remember The Milk! On our Ideas forum, you can suggest new ideas for Remember The Milk, as well as vote for the ideas you like (and dislike!).

We can't implement every idea, unfortunately (no matter how many bananas we feed Bob T. Monkey, he's still got limits!), but your feedback will help us to decide what Bob and the team should develop next.

Double votes for Pro

To recognize the support of those who've upgraded, if you're Pro, your vote gets doubled; each time you vote, you'll add +2 or -2. Get voting! :)

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